cursor([the number of cast "onCursor", the number of cast "onCursor" + 1])
on stopMovie
on checkmedal
if repeatmode then
end if
if voidp(userid) or voidp(userpm) or (userid = "guest") then
alert("You can not enter as guest.")
end if
put userid into field "userID"
put userpg & RETURN & pmtopoint(char 9 of userpm) & RETURN & pmtopoint(char 10 of userpm) & RETURN & pmtopoint(char 11 of userpm) & RETURN & pmtopoint(char 12 of userpm) & RETURN & pmtopoint(char 13 of userpm) & RETURN & pmtopoint(char 14 of userpm) into field "checktext"
if (userpg >= 10000) and (char 9 of userpm >= 9) and (char 10 of userpm >= 9) and (char 11 of userpm >= 9) and (char 12 of userpm >= 9) and (char 13 of userpm >= 9) and (char 14 of userpm >= 9) then
set addpoint to 10000
set medalkind to "ã‡"
if (userpg >= 5000) and (char 9 of userpm >= 7) and (char 10 of userpm >= 7) and (char 11 of userpm >= 7) and (char 12 of userpm >= 7) and (char 13 of userpm >= 7) and (char 14 of userpm >= 7) then
set addpoint to 5000
set medalkind to "ã‚"
if (userpg >= 2000) and (char 9 of userpm >= 2) and (char 10 of userpm >= 2) and (char 11 of userpm >= 2) and (char 12 of userpm >= 2) and (char 13 of userpm >= 2) and (char 14 of userpm >= 2) then